Henry Cavill Drops Superman Role With Warner Bros.

Apparently, Batman vs Superman will be Henry Cavill's last Superman film with Warner Bros. after talks broke down between the two parties following discrepancies over scheduling which led to him retiring from the role he started in 2013's Man of Steel.
Representatives of the departing Superman actor Cavil, could not work out contract for the Brit in upcoming film Shazam! with the studios which is gradually shifting it attention from the franchise to Supergirl film - a franchise that could not fit Cavill in because in this film Kal- El would not an adult as him, according to Hollywood Reporter.
In another dimension, the 35-year-old has committed himself to a deal to a series The Witcher after signing a deal with Netflix, and that was blamed as another reason talks broke down between Cavill reps and Warner.
"We have a great relationship and great respect for Henry Cavill that continues to remain unchanged," the studios spokesperson's statement reads "Additionally, we have made no current decision regarding any upcoming Superman films."
As a result, Cavill will not be cast as Superman any longer neither will he play in Warner's upcoming superhero film Shazam! which will premiere next year on April 5th, since he has found another commitment with Netflix series The Witcher
