Alfred Molina Will Return As Doctor Octopus In "Spider-Man 3"

Though the speculation that Alfried Molina will return for his role as Doctor Octopus in the Spider-Man franchise has been around since last month, this has now turned out to be true about the character. 

It first surfaced in GWW's report last month that Molina will be cast in Super-Man 3, but it was not really well received until The Hollywood Reporters and Variety confirmed the Marvel comic fictional character will return in the trilogy - Doc Octopus first appeared in the comic in The Amazing Spider-Man and debut motion picture in The Spider-Man 2.

The filming of Spider-Man 3 is already on-going, thus it could not a rumor any longer that the actor's role is amongst the characters that Marvel Studios will bring back. British actor Benedict Cumberbatch will also be returning as Doctor Strange in the film that is set for release on Dec. 17, 2021. 

With Jamie Foxx already returning as Electro, concerns are adding that Molina's role could make the film seem like there are too many villains that need be. However, the relief is that the two previous Spider-Man films - Homecoming and Far From Home - produced by Marvel and Sony were well received. 

Variety confirmed Chris McKenna and Erik Sommers as the film's scriptwriters and Jon Watts will return as the film's director. Tom Holland remained the lead actor as Peter Parker, Zendaya, Jacob Batalon, and Mariza Tomei will return for their respective roles.
