Police Issue Warrant Of Arrest For R Kelly's Manager

R Kelly's manager is needed at the police station, not for holding women in hostage but for threatening to kill one of the singer's girlfriend father. 
Georgia authorities have issued arrest warrant for James Mason following an accused filed against him at the police station in Henry County by Timothy Savage - father of R Kelly's girlfriend Joycelyn - that he threatened to kill him, according to the TMZ.
Presently, Mason has not been arrested but it was learned that the police are considering charging him with terroristic threat and act by the time he would be nabbed. 
Two months ago, the "Chocolate Factory" singer's lawyer got in trouble with Timothy for blatantly threating to kill him in a phone conversation for having to accuse R Kelly of holding his daughter hostage against her will. 
However, Mason wants this situation handled calmly and professionally, as he reportedly wants to cooperate with the police and hand himself over to the cops for allegations levelled against him by Timothy. 
