Russia Football League Criticised For Using Circus Bear To Deliver Football To Referee During A Match

Russia football league has been scolded for using a polar bear to deliver football to the referee before game kicked off between Mashuk-KMV and Angusht.
The league's decision to allow the use of a circus bear has been described as "shocking and inhumane" by animal welfare groups considering the impact that can have on the animal and the danger people around it are exposed to.
According to the BBC, a director of animal welfare charity Peta, Elisa Allen, criticized  the act to exposed animal such as polar bear to a dangerous situation which she said was "dangerous."
"In addition to being inhumane and utterly out of touch, using a bear as captive servant to deliver football is downright dangerous," Peta said.
Another animal welfare organisation also condemned the use of polar bear in a football match because the animal is a wild one and exposing it to a large crowd can have serious consequences.
"While some supposedly find this depressing scene 'entertaining' there is nothing at all light-hearted about this," director of Four Paws UK,Brian da Cal, said.
"Being chained up, muzzled and forced to perform unnatural acts in front large, rowdy crowd...Can have an untold impact on these animals, both psychological and physical."
