Sade Released First Song In Eight Years "Flower of the Universe"

Iconic singer Sade has released her first music in eight years with the song "Flower of the Universe".
The well acoustic soundtrack is taken from Oprah Winfrey Starring sci-fi fantasy film "A Wrinkle In Time" directed by Ava DuVernay which was released on March 8th.
The 59-year-old singer started the song with  sentimental graceful sound alongside with backing vocals on the acoustic guitar as she went to sing about a child she described as "Flower of the Universe".
"They come to see a fire burning in your heart/They want to witness this love from the start/They hear you when you cry/This love is far and wide/When you smile the star align/Flower of the Universe," she sang.
Sade started her music career in 1984 with "Diamond Life" as her first album and has won four Grammys with over 50 million records sold since her career began.
